#FFB: Adrienne Warren (Tony Nominee!)

I think I nearly fell over when Adrienne giggled "I'm finally wearing the purple tank!" as we started her photoshoot... talk about feeling Honored! If there was a Tony Award for being incredibly inspiring and the ultimate role model of the Fit for Broadway lifestyle, this gorgeous gal would win it! Adrienne's interview is loaded with golden gems about leading a life of fulfillment and passion so soak it up, loves  and get excited to see this star shine at the Tony Awards this Sunday! #FitfortheTonys

NOTE FROM ADRIENNE: Hey Ya'll!! I'm Adrienne and I love to do what I do because I get to share beautiful stories with all of you!

“You Are Enough” from Fit for Broadway Apparel   |  click HERE or click the picture!

“You Are Enough” from Fit for Broadway Apparel   |  click HERE or click the picture!


Q: Adrienne! First of all, your enthusiasm about this feature has been EVERYTHING! :) You inspire me so much. I can’t wait to dive in to the whirlwind that is your amazing life right now but first we have to go back to the beginning… What was your journey to Broadway?

A: I fell in love with theater around 6 years old, but I was also an athlete so I spent many hours split between basketball practice, dance rehearsals, and theatre classes.  I was a very busy kid! Once I stopped growing, I decided to put Basketball on hold and get serious about my theatre training.  I attended The Governor's School for the Arts in high school in the Musical Theatre Dept. and from then on…Broadway was always the goal.

Q: You know I’m a fitness fanatic :) How is fitness intertwined in your Broadway journey?

A: Fitness is such a huge part of my Broadway journey.  My training varies based on the demands of the role I am playing at the time.  For instance, Shuffle Along requires a lot of stamina to execute the tap dancing (Savion Glover's choreography!) while singing in the specific styles required throughout the show.  Therefore, during the rehearsal period, I was running about 3 miles every other day in preparation as well as taking spin classes sometimes as early as 6am before rehearsal at 10.

Q: Do you have any go-to wellness practices to keep your body feeling great 8 shows a week?

A: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!!! But in all seriousness, the most important thing you could ever do is listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs throughout the week. Vitamins are also very important.  Due to the demands of my schedule there are times when I may not be eating the right things to give my body all of the nutrients it needs.  This body of mine is so needy…let me tell ya!

Q: Food is Fuel for Broadway’s elite! :) Can we play “What I Ate Yesterday”?

A: Yesterday, I ate..

  • Breakfast: 2 Egg OMELETTE and Coffee! I MUST HAVE COFFEE!!

  • Lunch: RAW ALMONDS


  • Snacks: IM NOT A BIG SNACKER but when I do…I love Kind Bars and dark chocolate peanut butter cups


Q: You are also passionate about mentoring which is incredible! I’m sure your mentees are thanking their lucky stars to have your guidance. How did that come about?

A: I’ve watched my parents mentor kids for years.  Those kids became my "big brothers and sisters" growing up.  I saw what an impact my parents had on so many lives and I want to do the same. You don't need to do much to help guide someone in need.  Sometimes it is as simple as looking a child in the eye and saying "You can do it!".  Something about working with kids makes my heart smile.

Q: In what ways does mentoring elevate your life?

A: As an actor living and working in New York City, it is easy to get wrapped in ones "self".  Mentoring allows me to put my energy into others.  It allows me to take a moment and look at the much bigger picture that is the blessing of this life we live everyday.  It doesn't take much to show love to one person before you encourage them to do the same, next thing you know that love reverberates throughout your communities, your state, and our world.

Q: As a mentor for young aspiring performers, what’s the advice you usually give that applies to everyone?

A: Your journey in this world was and is specifically designed for you.  When you see others succeeding around you, remember, that is their journey and you can genuinely feel happy for that person because your's will be different.  If you perform with your soul and love with your heart, your journey will take you beyond your every expectation.

Q: What advice would you have given yourself pre-Broadway?

A: Learn to play the piano.

Q: Any pre-show rituals?

A: At places the entire company of Shuffle Along comes together and we warm up and circle up.  It is a great way to take a moment to reflect on the importance of the story we are telling, while also allowing us to check in with each other!

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: My family inspires me everyday of my life.

Q: You so deservingly just got nominated for a Tony! Sooooo Rapid fire Tony fun :)

  • First thought after getting nominated: I DID IT!

  • First thing you ate after being nominated: MY FAVORITE BREAKFAST (egg wrap with olives, feta cheese, pesto, and red peppers!)

  • Who’d you call to tell: My Parents

  • Your Tony Winning Idol: AUDRA!!!!!! DUH!

  • What color dress will you be wearing: NO IDEA

  • To-do’s day of the Tonys: Quick breakfast, 8 am call at the theatre for Tony performance camera rehearsal, matinee at 2, finish show get ready for red carpet, perform maybe twice ?, get back into Tony dress and wait for category to be announced, breathe, then PARTY!!

  • Who should win a Tony for being Fit for Broadway: ummm… Have you seen Cynthia Erivo's arms?!!?!?!

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