#FFB: Amy Van Norstrand

The best feeling ever is meeting someone you instantly click with which happened when I first met Amy (to be honest, I think this happened way before I even met her haha #socialmedia) She has a heart of gold and of course we jive on all things fitness, health & Broadway, especially our not-so-mild obsession with Pilates. We're already plotting some fitness friend dates.. first stop, checking out one of her hubby, Brian's classes at Mark Fisher Fitness! Be sure to go see Amy shine in Holiday Inn and catch some pointers about what it takes to be FIT FOR BROADWAY!

NOTE FROM AMY: Hi everyone! My name is Amy and I am so excited to be featured on Fit for Broadway! I am an original cast member and assistant dance captain of Holiday Inn the new Irving Berlin Musical on Broadway now. When I am not performing I enjoy reading, teaching, taking class, cooking, writing letters, and enjoying a good glass of wine or cup of coffee!

“FIT FOR BROADWAY” Pullover from Fit for Broadway Apparel   |  click HERE or click the picture!

“FIT FOR BROADWAY” Pullover from Fit for Broadway Apparel   |  click HERE or click the picture!

Q: Amy!! This has been so long in the coming and finally it's happening!! Love love love that you're on the blog today sharing your sweet light. Let's start at the beginning... what was your journey to Broadway?

A: I grew up in dance class. My mom had me in dance class since I was three because I couldn't stand still. (I still can't). I also played a variety of sports like softball and tennis. I have always been an extreme overachiever and active human and I love being well rounded. In high school I got excited about school musicals and plays. I loved how I could use my love of dancing and also tell stories through the stage.  Telling stories and entering different time periods are still my favorite things about my profession. As high school ended I knew I had to make some decisions. I auditioned for college programs that focused on the performing arts and decided to go to Point Park University because of their reputable dance training.

My journey to Broadway is pretty similar to many peoples I imagine. I graduated college in three years. I moved to New York immediately and started auditioning and figuring out the business side of performing in New York as I went. I didn't know anything haha! I learned so much by watching my peers and professionals who were older than me. The best school I have ever had is New York. I didn't always know I wanted to be on Broadway. I was a huge brainiac my entire school career and thought maybe I wanted to have a job outside of the performing arts. What I have found is that through working on Broadway and working as a dance captain or assistant I get to exercise my brain and my talent at the same time. Its incredibly rewarding.

Q: How has fitness been intertwined into your journey?

A: I have always been hyper active. A relaxing day off at home means me running around my apartment cleaning, cooking, and doing a 30 minute ab exercise. (Drives my husband nuts!). Being physically fit and healthy is just a reality that Broadway performers have to understand and maintain. For me it is never optional. I must feel and look my best to be able to do my job to the best of my ability.

In college I found pilates and fell in love. I took private class 3 times a week and it saved my body. Pilates helps to elongate, release, and strengthen my body to be able to work long weeks. When in doubt I always return to Pilates.  I also am a firm believer in trying many different types of fitness to find what works for you and to sometimes shock your body with something new. Its amazing how much our bodies love a challenge!

Q: What's your current philosophy on maintaining physical health for 8 shows a week?

A: Being a performer on Broadway is amazing for your heart and spirit but tough on your body. The schedule (8 shows a week with one day off) , plus understudy rehearsal, and put in's, auditions, and press events, and living in NYC can really tire a lady out! It is vital to take care of your body. Find something that works for you. I have adapted many of my work outs to be done at home or on the go since I lack time. I try to eat healthy and drink tons of water. Back to basics when you don't have time.

Q: Any holistic practices that help with mind body spirit balance?

A: I try my absolute hardest to have other interests outside of the Industry. I have always loved being a learned and well rounded person. I believe it helps my broadway and performing career. My husband and I have separate careers and that helps us stay genuinely interested in each others work lives.

Q: I originally met you through your hubby who is a trainer! #healthyrelationships are the jam! How do you empower each other?

A: Oh I am nothing without my rock star of a husband! Brian works for Mark Fisher Fitness in the city and is the absolute best at what he does. You will never meet a happier and more supportive person on the planet! Being married to a person trained in all areas of fitness definitely helps maintain a healthy and happy life. Brian has taught me so many exercises to keep my body strong and aligned. Most of my pre show warm up is from my husband.

Brian and I value communication and respect among all things first. As I said before, its nice to have a partner who excels at a career outside of the Broadway Community. But he totally gets it and loves Broadway! (He may have seen Holiday Inn 6 times) We view our marriage as a team effort and we will always fight for each other.

Q: Top 3 tips for handling the ups and downs of this industry?


  1. Be tough. Rejection is by far the worst part of the industry. Have a good attitude and know you are worth it. Good things happen to good people.

  2. Work Hard. Show up. Audition for everything. I have had so many opportunities come my way based on auditions for shows I didn't end up getting.

  3. Learn. Learn from everyone. Be a sponge for knowledge. Never stop training. That can mean take class, watch professionals, ask questions, and set goals!

Q: Whats your advice for aspiring performers who have their sights set on Broadway?

A: Have a good attitude. Reputation is everything in this industry and it is a small world. Be a happy, hardworking, and kind person that people want to work with. Work harder than everyone else and do it with an authentic smile. If your reputation grows in that direction you cannot be stopped.

Q: Top 3 health & wellness tips for performers...


  1. Fuel your body! Water, healthy food, vitamins, the works!

  2. Find your happy place! Class, gym, meditation, a good book! Find it for you.

  3. Find your people. Surround yourself with friends and family that bring out the best in you. Finding a support system you can rely on for the good and bad is vital.

connect with amy

Facebook: Amy Van Norstrand Murphy  |  Instagram: @amyvannorstrand  |  Twitter: @amyvannorstrand

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#FFB: Lauren Boyd (Broadway Debut!)


#FFB: Morgan James (Upcoming Tour!)