Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Max Clayton

Everything about Max screams leading man, right!? :) So it was interesting to hear, contrary to my assumptions, his background primed him more for a career in the NBA than a life on Broadway. But it's no secret I love using athlete and performer interchangeably and Max is the perfect example of this, smoothly transitioning from basketball to his true passion, dance. He explained that basketball had actually trained him in so many ways for his career on Broadway-- timing, strength, understanding his body, handling pressure, being part of a team, etc. Basketball had given Max skills that were essential on stage which speaks truth into the idea that everyone's path is unique and it's most important to follow your heart. It's safe to say Max is just getting started and he's a genuine example of what it means to be FIT FOR BROADWAY!

PS: Max just made his debut in On The Town this weekend!! *applause* The show is BEAUTIFUL!! Highly recommend going to see it if you're in NYC!! :)

BIO: Hey, my name is Max Clayton and I'm currently in the revival of On The Town on Broadway! I was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire (whattup ManchVegas!!) and moved to NYC after graduating from college a little over a year ago. I love Golden Retrievers more than I love Chipotle and in elementary school I trained my golden named Tucker to be Airbud, but didn't succeed. I come from a very motivated and athletic family where being fit and healthy was a priority. I love being outdoors and enjoy the beach, skiing, swimming in the ocean, running through Central Park, laughing, smiling til it hurts, and anything involving margaritas and/or a Mexican meal. I love #fitforbroadway ?


Q: So excited to finally have you on Fit for Broadway, Max! I loved hearing about your transition from athlete to performer (two terms I use interchangeably). Can you explain a little bit about your background and journey to Broadway?

A: Absolutely! I was born and raised in Manchester New Hampshire with my parents and older sister Missy. Sports were always a huge part of our lives. My mother taught Physical Education grades K-12 for 25 years and also served as the Athletic Director of my high school. Growing up, Missy and I played pretty much every sport we could, but basketball stuck for both of us. Although  I loved traveling and playing basketball year round, I vividly remember watching Missy dance in her recitals with an itch to give it a shot myself. That being said, I didn't take performing seriously until later in high school. There is a wonderful regional theater in my hometown called the Palace Theatre where I received the necessary experience and tools to pursue acting in college. Senior year, I auditioned for some musical theater BFA programs and decided to go to the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music (CCM). It was the perfect fit and I learned more during my four years there than I could ever put into words. After graduating the spring of 2014, I showcased in New York City with my class and signed with my current agency, CGF Talent. They started submitting me for jobs right away and I ended up getting to play Gabey in On The Town in Chicago for four months at the Marriott Lincolnshire. My experience there kind of changed the way I looked at myself as a performer in the best way. During my last two weeks in Chicago my agents had me fly back to NYC on my day off to audition for the Kennedy Center's production of Gigi as an ensemble track to cover the role of Gaston. After a morning of dancing for Josh Bergasse, the casting and creative team had me back to sing and read all of the Gaston material. I was there auditioning all day and flew out late that night. The next morning my agents called me to let me know I had gotten the job! Next thing I know, I am at the Kennedy Center, the show transfers, and I'm making my Broadway debut with my favorite group of people in the world within a few months. That whole experience was the most incredible thing ever. Once Gigi closed I had the opportunity to be in an amazing reading of Anastasia and then as of this week I joined the Broadway company of On The Town as a Gabey cover. It has been the craziest yet most exciting year of my life and I can't wait for whatever is next!

Q: How has your background in basketball influenced your abilities as a performer?

A: Sports and performing absolutely go hand in hand. Whether it's with dancing, or just standing still and being present and comfortable in your body during a scene, having a background in sports is a huge advantage. People always ask, "how long have you been dancing?" When I explain that I didn't really take an official "dance class" until college, I usually get a confused and amused reaction. I certainly did lots of choreography in shows during high school but I was never interested in taking class. But when I started dancing at school, I had an athletic foundation and was able to apply all of that to my dancing, partnering, lifting etc.

Q: How would you describe your weekly fitness routine?

A: My weekly fitness routine varies week to week, and for me that is key. I'm someone that doesn't like doing the same thing over and over again. I started working with a new personal trainer and I'll be staying with him for a long time. He's amazing and designed my entire workout around partnering and throwing beautiful around girls! Another workout I love is Soul Cycle. It's refreshing and recharges my mental battery. However, my absolute favorite training comes from my own cousin Lindsey Clayton. (Everyone better watch out because she's about to be a star!!! Lindsey is a celebrity trainer in NYC and has a new show coming out on Bravo called "WORK OUT NEW YORK." Get ready folks). Lindsey teaches at Barry's Bootcamp and absolutely kicks my butt. Like, you get the "I can't walk home" kind of butt kicking and in the best way ever. Check her out!

Q: I love the phrase food is fuel…can we play “What I Ate Yesterday” [breakdown of what you ate in a day, doesn’t actually have to be yesterday haha but a realistic breakdown of what you typically eat]

A: What I Ate Yesterday:

  • Breakfast: 4 eggs, peppers and onions, sausage and little cheese scramble with a protein shake.

  • Lunch: Chipotle burrito bowl.....lololol

  • Dinner: 2 chicken breasts, baked potato and a salad.

  • Snacks: peanut butter with anything, Quest bars.

  • Extras: I'm obsessed with hummus, feta cheese, olives, and anything Mexican!

“You’ll hear ‘NO’ more than you’ll hear ‘YES’ and that is okay. Don’t blame yourself and try your best note to compare yourself to anyone else. If you look like someone or have the same skill set as someone else, so what? No one, no one, in the WHOLE entire world is you. Remember that.”

Q: What is your advice for aspiring performers who want a career on Broadway?

A: Work really hard, have so much fun and most importantly, be a good person to everyone. In my opinion, those are three of the most important things to do in this business, and just life in general. We are here to entertain the world. We are here to make people laugh, cry, imagine, wonder and to take them out of reality for a brief moment in time. Enjoy that. That is so so special.

Q: Did you ever have bumps in your road to Broadway? How did you overcome them?

A: Absolutely. We all do. You have to brush things off and move forward. You'll hear "no" more than you'll hear "yes" and that is OK. Don't blame yourself and try your best not to compare yourself to anyone else. If you look like someone or have the same skill set as someone else, so what? No one, NO ONE, in the whooooole entire world is YOU. Remember that.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: Hands down my sister Missy. She's the reason I perform. Like I said, I grew up watching her dance and I think of her before every show. She is so passionate and it shows in her performance. On days when I feel drained, I do it for her because I know she would never let me get away with anything but full out! If anyone has been lucky enough to watch that girl perform, they'll understand what I'm talking about. She lights up every stage or room she walks into.

Q: Quote to live by?

A: My father taped a quote to our computer desk growing up stating, "the true measure of a man is how he treats someone who could do him absolutely no good." I love that. It's so so true, especially here in New York City. We pass thousands of people on the streets each day- smile at someone you walk by. You never know, sometimes something as small as that may make the biggest difference!