Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Reed Luplau

I haven't met an Aussie in New York I didn't think was all kinds of wonderful, Reed included! Charming, dedicated and eager to share his story, Reed is certainly making his mark on the Great White Way. His health and fitness advice came from a true dancer mentality of understanding his body as a vehicle for expression and art; feeding it well, strengthening it, and knowing when to give it a break! Essentially, knowing a thing or two ;) about balance... the key to being FIT FOR BROADWAY!

Note from Reed: G'day! I'm Reed Luplau and I am in the Broadway cast of Fiddler On The Roof, AKA Bottle Dancer #1.  Born Perth, Western Australia.  Started dance at my mothers studio; Jody Marshall Dance Company where I began Jazz, Tap, Acrobatics, Ballet and Musical Theatre. I began my professional career with Sydney Dance Company immediately after graduating from The Australian Ballet School. Dance; Aszure Barton and Artists, Stephen Petronio Company, Lar Lubovitch Dance. TV/film; FIVE DANCES (Theo), Mozart in the Jungle, A Very Murray Christmas. Off-Broadway; KUNG FU at Signature Theatre Co.


Q: It’s so wonderful having you on the blog, Reed! What was your journey to Broadway?

A: Thank you so much for having me be a part of Fit for Broadway.

My journey to Broadway began when I received confirmation that I was granted my Green card.  For a foreigner, it is quite difficult to audition for Broadway companies, due to Equity rules and so forth. So for me, after years of concert dance and ballet companies, I felt like I was starting again and major casting houses had no idea who I was.  After a good year of new auditions, I landed a spot in Signature Theatre Company’s Off-Broadway production of Kung Fu.  After this 4 month run I knew that theatre was what I wanted more of.  Like any other actor, dancer, singer it was off to the audition circuit.  Fiddler came about last April, and I wasn’t going to be able to make the audition.  I had a flight to visit my family in Perth, Australia and was about to leave as I received the breakdown.  I was fretting.  So after a lengthy chat with my agent, I decided to delay my flights and go in for the call.  Next thing I knew, I was in Perth with my family and got the FaceTime call from my agents, screaming with joy that I got the job.

Q: Where did it all start?

A: My journey to Broadway started at a very young age of 18 months when my mother put me on stage for the very first time.  I was born into dance as my mother, owns and still runs her own dance studio in Perth, Western Australia.  I grew up with all the typical forms from Jazz, Tap, Acrobatics and Musical Theatre. I come from a very theatrical family.  My nanna has a love for the classic movie musicals and I remember watching the VHS of Singing’ In The Rain. I was nine years old, and I will never forget witnessing Gene Kelly for the first time.  After that experience, I knew what I wanted to do; I knew that I wanted to dance.  At the age of 15 I was accepted into The Australian Ballet School and moved by myself from the small city of Perth to Melbourne.  I trained for 3 years and before graduating, I was offered a contract with Sydney Dance Company (SDC).  Even though I was heavy into concert dance, my passion for theatre was always alive. I would always see the Australia cast of broadway shows from Avenue Q to Wicked, Pricilla to Boy From Oz.  After 4 years with SDC, I wanted to explore new adventures and thought that NYC was the next biggest step to take.  Since moving here I have had the privilege to dance for Aszure Barton and Artists, Stephen Petronio Company and Lar Lubovitch dance Company.

“I'm On Vocal Rest” from Fit for Broadway Apparel

(click HERE or click the picture!) 

Q: How have fitness and health played a role in your performance career?

A: Ever since the ballet school days, I have always used the gym to help my physique sustain the long grueling days of dance rehearsals.  When I first started at Sydney Dance, an older dancer guided me with new gym exercises to help with the difficult partnering.  I have always been a lean guy so, I am continuously weight training to keep my body mass up.   I find that as dancers, we are quite in-tune with our bodies.  I know when I haven’t had enough water or enough greens to eat, so I am very aware of what I am eating and what I am putting into my body.  I was raised with the motto ‘Good in moderation’.

Q: What’s your weekly workout regime?

A: Due to the show schedule, I take full advantage of the free time we have before the shows.  I am at the gym everyday except Monday’s; which is our dark day.  I am a firm believer in a day of rest so I reward my self with a day on the couch usually, with my PS4.

Q: You mentioned you live with a chef! #VeryJealous How has your relationship with food changed with a chef's expertise influencing your meals?

A: Yes, I am very very fortunate to live with not only an amazing woman but an extraordinary chef.  My food regime wasn’t really altered that much.  The main things that did change was the produce itself, i.e. buying organic and from the markets or local business.  I never really bothered buying like that before, but I can honestly feel and taste the difference.  I don’t think I am a food snob but I do have an appreciation for load and organic products.

Q: Top 3 lessons you've learned since making your Broadway debut?

  1.  This is exactly what I wanted.

  2. I am not invincible.  It’s just as important to rest your body as well as nail it on stage.

  3. I am constantly learning something new from my cast mates everyday.  They inspire me to be even better than the previous show.

Q: What’s your favorite energy boosting or pre-show snack?

A: After my workout and before I leave home; I always make a protein smoothie with berries, spinach or kale, added Chia seed and coconut water.  Always fills me up and gives me that extra boost I need to help balance a bottle on my head.

 Q: What’s the best advice about performing you've ever received?

A: Simplicity is key and dancing from the inside out.

Q: Top 3 fitness and health tips for performers?

  1. Food and drinks are the fuel for the body, so what you put in is what you’re going to get out.

  2. Trust your body.  When it’s down don’t try and push it to the max.  Listen and feel what you need to.

  3. Make sure you give yourself time to relax and escape the crazy schedules and lifestyles we have.

Q: What’s your advice for aspiring performers who are working towards a career on Broadway?

A: It will happen.  There is a place for each and every one of us.


@reedluplau  |