Fit For Broadway

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#FFB: Georgina Pazcoguin, Ballerina to Broadway

Super excited to to share a Ballerina to Broadway journey today with Georgina Pazcoguin from Broadway's CATS! Literally, it's on the top of my list right now of must sees, ohhhhh ALW!! Georgina's sharing how being a cat ;) has influenced her fitness and health habits and how she trained (and keeps training!) to be FIT FOR BROADWAY!

“Broadway Tribe” from Fit for Broadway Apparel   |  click HERE or click the pictures 

Q: Georgina!! :) I can not wait to come see you in Cats on Broadway! Broadway is a new home for you, right?! What's been your journey from ballet to Broadway?

A: Well the journey is quite a quick jaunt from the David H Koch theater to the Neil Simon. I usually walk, but the C train will get you there too! I jest! The journey has been long full of twists and turns,  frustration and elation. I would not have had it any other way. I follow what feeds me artistically right now.  I never would have imagined myself in this show playing Victoria. Broadway has embraced a different side of my artistry and I am so thankful, not only to be having this experience but to have had my background in ballet to bring to this new adventure.

Q: I so admire you ballerinas!! :) How has fitness been a part of your career as a dancer? Did it change as you were training for Broadway?

A: To be a ballerina requires a certain aesthetic of "line" created by the body. At the same time today's "healthy" ballerina body (considered an athlete/artist combo in my mind) must show the blend of sinuous strength and femininity. What we can do as dancers not just ballerinas has been tested over time and we continually stretch the limits of what the body can do. Simple examples include jumping higher, turning more. The training for ballet itself lends one to be generally fit. I also cross train. I do a lot of Gyrotonic with my trainer Emily Smith which keeps my muscles long and lean. Now doing eight shows a week again, in addition to taking class and making sure my feet stay conditioned for pointe shoes, I've actually added a lot of maintenance. I do acupuncture and visit the chiropractor twice a week. I use an obscene amount of Epsom salt in post show baths. I've also started doing Cryotherapy. Cats is not strictly ballet based. so I've adjusted my warmup routine after my normal ballet barre to focus warming up my knees and shoulders with care for crawling and have added quick isolations of muscles for the more hip hop stylized elements.

Q: What's your philosophy on food and how it influences your performance lifestyle?

A: I generally prefer gluten free. I was in a long term relationship with someone who was diagnosed a celiac so my diet adjusted majorly. Don't get me wrong though, still I love a good pizza (Ribalta is my favorite.) and enjoy those things on occasion. I've gone through my struggles of finding what works for my body. I'm not a ballerina who has a tiny skeletal figure. I've actually never found that attractive as an audience member and at my thinnest I will never achieve that look. Now that's certainly not the goal. I eat it all. I try to find the best ingredients and cook as often as my schedule allows. Knowing where my food came from, how it was raised, etc and the action of preparing it myself makes me feel responsible and connected to what I put in my body as fuel.

Q: You mentioned you love to cook! What's your go to fueling for Broadway recipe?

A: Once a week I go to my favorite butcher Harlem Shambles, and cook a massive grass fed dry aged steak. I've turned a few cast members onto the ritual too! In general before the show I like to eat a smaller meal. Sweet potatoes are great for energy before the show in combination with a little protein. I usually eat dinner afterwards. The interesting game with Cats has been eating enough food! This show requires far more fuel than I'm used too b/c of its high octane nature. You like what I did there? :)

Q: Can we play "What I Ate Yesterday!" (A detailed breakdown of what you ate in a day)

A: I ate...

  • Breakfast- cauliflower rice with two fried eggs, coffee and left over veggies from last night's dinner (asparagus in this case)

  • Lunch- cardini salad from Little Beet with chicken (we had rehearsal so I ordered)

  • Dinner- turmeric shrimp with spinach, dill potatoes, glass or two or crisp New Zealand white wine

  • Snacks-  It was a birthday at the theater so I had a cupcake during intermission to celebrate. I literally have a box of snacks on hand at my dressing room spot. It includes dark chocolate a must before every show. rice crackers, a bottle of Barhill Gin (post show only of course) granola, dried fruits etc. I also always usually have some organic string cheese in the fridge too!

Q: What other health & wellness practices help you stay Fit for Broadway?

A: Visiting the ocean, gyro, I will eventually start taking my sister, Christina Pazcoguin's Pure Barre class when I get a handle on my schedule.

Q: Who or what inspires you?

A: There is nothing more inspiring than watching someone give their heart in a performance. Passion for whatever you do is key.

Q: What's your advice for aspiring performers who are working towards a career on Broadway?

A: Embrace being your unique self. Also know that this idea takes time and don't expect anything to just manifest. You always must put in the work.

connect with georgina

Instagram: @georgina_pazcoguin  |  Twitter: @GPazcoguin  |  Facebook: Georgina Pazcoguin  |

Special THANKS to my wonderfully talented pal, Jacob Smith for these amazing photos of Kara!!! Jake does lots of magical headshot work in NYC so my NYC buddies, if you’re in need of an amazing photographer, check him out at Lumberjack Studios and tell him FFB sent ya!!