#FFB: Kara Lindsay // Newsies Live!

If you're an aspiring Broadway performer looking for a leading gal who is a Bway superhero, wonder woman, & role model... Kara Lindsay is IT. Today Kara is sharing her #FitforBroadway slash #FitforNewsiesLIVE! story with us and it is full of all the magical nuggets to get you INSPIRED to follow your dreams! Kara is also one of my favorite people to follow on social media because she is all about keeping it light and fun, a healthy reminder to not take ourselves too seriously. Pretty much, she has the balance thing down and is the quintessential example of the joy-filled passion it takes to be Fit for Broadway!

NOTE FROM KARA: Hi there!  Thanks for stopping by to read my run on sentences!  I am so very grateful to be a part of the Broadway community.  As a little girl I'd journal about being on Broadway one day....begging my journal, as if my journal was God or something.  I was desperate.  Still am;). It's really hard to say what my favorite roles have been in my career thus far.  There is truly nothing like a Broadway debut, so playing Katherine in Newsies was a very special moment in time.  Playing Glinda in Wicked was a wonderful challenge and helped me to grow.  Those growing moments in life are invaluable.  But portraying the role of Laura Ingalls Wilder in Little House on the Prairie the Musical (yes, you heard me right) is where I met my husband, Kevin Massey.  So that's not too shabby either ;) All that to say, I cannot pick one favorite.  They're all special for different reasons!

When I'm not annoying my neighbors with my obnoxious singing, I like to do some yoga or get out of the city and go hiking and/or camping.  My husband and I LOVE to travel.  We bring the Lonely Planet book about the place we are visiting and try to hit every hotspot, especially the restaurants.  That's why I've always loved touring.  You get paid to travel and do what you love.  What a gift!  Getting together with my girlfriends in the city for a coffee date...or some wine...is also an essential "hobby".

Photo by Lumberjack Studios“You Are Enough” from Fit for Broadway Apparel   |  click HERE or click the picture!

Photo by Lumberjack Studios

“You Are Enough” from Fit for Broadway Apparel   |  click HERE or click the picture!


Q: Kara! This has been so long in the coming!! The FFB tribe loves you!! :) Can we start from the very beginning? Growing up...what was your journey to Broadway?

A: well I used to be a very shy little girl.  Hiding behind my mom at family gatherings until I was a teenager.  I did a lot of sports and competition dance as a kid and loved being a part of a team, but having the attention was NOT my thing.  Many of my friends were in the middle school musical, Pirates of Penzance, and the director needed more tapping cops so I decided to be in the play with my friends.  From then on I've been obsessed with musical theater and the way a live performance can touch people's hearts, their funny bones, their tear ducts, their gag reflex, whatever it may be.  Being a part of the drama community growing up, brought me out of my shell.  It forced me to speak up and find my voice.  Forever grateful for that.

Q: What was your first performance like in Pirates of Penzance?

A: Tapping my heart out and singing "TARANTARA" at the top of my little lungs.

Q: How do fitness and health play a role in your career as a performer?

A: oh girl, you are asking at the right time!  Preparing for the Newsies film has been lots of yoga classes, cardio, and some tap classes.  So much sweating.  I haven't done King of New York in ages so I want to be sure my body will be strong enough.  I love a glass of wine or some beer and a slice of pizza....or 5.  But everything in moderation.  This is our one life so we have to enjoy it, but you also have to be healthy enough to be able to experience the joy.  It's all a practice in finding the balance.

Q: What’s your advice for finding a mind, body, spirit balance on Broadway?

A: Go with your heart and your gut.  Trust that you know what's best for you.  Also, watch some Netflix and get your beauty sleep.

Q: Do you have any pre-performance rituals?

A:  I like keeping my door open and visiting with the cast and crew.  I lure people in with a candy jar, music, or burps.  Visiting with people keeps me from overthinking and working myself up before a show.  Stage fright and I have had many battles.  I also like to do a proper vocal warm up just before and some yoga stretches so that I feel grounded.

Q: Top 3 lessons you've learned since being on Broadway?

A: Top 3 lessons…

1. I need gingers and tums at all times

2. You never stop learning...or at least you shouldn't ever stop

3. It really is as wonderful as I dreamed it to be!

Q: Your voice is incredible. incredible. incredible. holy moly. hah :) What is your advice for vocal health?

A:  haha!  Wow you are sweet.  It's the part of me that I always struggle with.  I had a cyst on my vocal cord in 2010 and got it removed.  My advice for vocal health is a good ENT and Joan Lader....my vocal coach.  I call her a scientist.  She's a genius.

Q: What's your advice for aspiring performers who have their sites set on Broadway?

A: work hard, be nice to everyone, and be uniquely YOU.

Q: Quote to live by...

A: "Find out who you are and be that person. That's what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come."- Ellen DeGeneres

Q: We are SOOOO excited for Newsies LIVE!!!! Let's play hashtag-fill-in-the-blank.

A: Newsies LIVE will be #newsielicious? I don't think that's appropriate....maybe #seizingthecinemas or #Dancingtheirfacesoff or #cuethereuniontears!  I don't know, I'm indecisive! 

connect with kara

Instagram: @karalindsay1  |  Twitter: @karalindsay1  |  Facebook: Kara Lindsay

Be sure to tune in to NEWSIES LIVE! too to see Kara as !!! :) Can't wait!!! -j.

Special THANKS to my wonderfully talented pal, Jacob Smith for these amazing photos of Kara!!! Jake does lots of magical headshot work in NYC so my NYC buddies, if you're in need of an amazing photographer, check him out at Lumberjack Studios and tell him FFB sent ya!! ;) 

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