#FFB: Ginna Claire Mason

Some of you probably caught the ridiculous Boomerangs of Ginna Claire, Dan Deluca, and I eating chocolate straws during their FFB photoshoots which was All. The. Fun. #balance, right?! So in case anyone was wondering you can in fact be Fit for Broadway and enjoy chocolate straws with your pals. :)

I loved getting to know Ginna Claire (who's an absolute sunbeam) during our little mini tour of Soho, one of my favorite neighborhoods in Manhattan. Ginna Claire is as sweet as they come and landed her dream role through hard work, a positive attitude, and a clear understanding of what it takes to be Fit for Broadway!

NOTE FROM GINNA CLAIRE: Hey y'all! I'm a proud Nashville native living the dream in NYC!

“Mind Body Broadway” from Fit for Broadway Apparel

Mind Body Broadway from Fit for Broadway Apparel


Q: Girl, let's have more Soho adventures please?! #chocolatestraws #funwithdan I'm so excited to have you on FFB!! What was the beginning for you? What was your journey to Broadway?

A: Yes, let's! I had so much fun exploring SoHo with you!  Thanks for being my tour guide.

I have three brothers, and caught the performing bug at a young age. My dad encouraging us to sing in four part harmony a la the Von Trapp family maybe had something to do with that : ))

As a kid, you could find me putting on fully choreographed concerts in our living room for my family and American Girl dolls, and making home videos with neighborhood friends. I got plugged in with community theatre and dance classes and voice lessons early on, as well.

My mom took me to see Les Miserables on Broadway in 4th grade, and couldn't believe people got to act and sing and dance as their job. There was no turning back.

I went to Elon University for music theatre, and toured with FLASHDANCE + NEWSIES. DUCK COMMANDER MUSICAL took me out to Vegas for a bit, which was a lot of fun.

I'm currently in WICKED on Broadway standing by for Glinda, a dream role since I saw the original cast at age 13. I love being part of this company!

Q: Apart from chocolate straws ;) what do you usually eat in a day?

A: Yum! Chocolate straws! I definitely have a sweet tooth : ))

I like to eat foods that will fuel my body throughout the day, and help me build muscle!

Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal- eggs, turkey, toast, coffee! And for lunch and dinner, I try to eat a well rounded meal- a protein, healthy carb, and veggie. Usually chicken, rice, and green beans! Or pasta, lean beef, and broccoli. My goal is to hit 150 grams of carbs, 130 g of protein, and 30 g of fat per day.

Q: What's your favorite energy boosting snack or meal?

A: Protein shakes! I try to have two a day! It's quick and easy. One of my favorite recipes is One scoop of Gold Standard chocolate whey protein, spinach, almond milk, and 1/2 a banana. I'll add oats if I need more calories! I don't love vegetables, so I always try to throw spinach into shakes because once blended, you can't even taste it. Gotta get those micronutrients : ))

Q: What's the best way to stay mind, body, spirit balanced for Broadway?

A: I think it's important to find hobbies and communities you can invest in both inside and outside of the theatre community.

I'm sure that looks different for every individual.

I love hanging out with friends in the business, but I also enjoy spending time with girlfriends from high school that live in the area. I'm in a book club with some women who live in my building, and involved with a small group through Redeemer Church. Its nice to try to get perspective about the world outside the fine arts bubble.

Q: I've seen your gym selfies with your pal, Dan! :) how does fitness play a role in being FFB?

A: Fitness plays a huge role in my job! I'm not on every show, or even every week! So it's important for me to maintain my strength and stamina offstage.

Lifting has become a new hobby for me in the last couple of years. I like learning about technique and new effective exercises. Two of my favorite books as of late are Bigger, Leaner, Stronger by Mike Matthews and Strong Curves by Bret Contreras.

Q: What's your weekly workout schedule look like?

A: I try to lift 5 times a week. I split up my days into different muscle groups: chest/calves, lower body/abs, shoulders/calves, arms/abs, and lower body. That sounds like a lot, but if I go in with a plan, I can be in and out in 30-45 minutes including rest periods. I keep track of my progress with an app called My Workout +. I'm aiming for progression tension overload, and writing down the weight value/ reps allows me to see improvement. It's a competition against myself to get stronger.

I follow the plan found in Mike Matthew's book, but he has a really good summary of it all in an online article found HERE.

It's important to listen to your body. Sometimes you just need a day or two off! And some days, I just want to have a "cardio fun" workout and opt for a yoga or a dance class.

Q: One thing or person or activity that has helped you be Fit for Broadway?

A:  Definitely my husband, {prince} Eric William. He's an air traffic controller, and fitness has been his hobby since he was a teen. I started working out with him when we first started dating 6 years ago. It was something fun and active we liked to do together.

To this day, it's great to go to the gym with him and encourage and spot each other. I feel like I have my own personal trainer for life.

Q: What's the best advice you've ever been given about this industry?

A: I had an acting teacher in high school named Allison Allen. She helped me a lot with college audition prep and repertoire. There's a letter from her that to this day I still read for inspiration. It serves as a great reminder to trust your God-given gifts, and learn criticism and failure.

Q: Do you have any pre-show rituals?

A: If I'm on for Glinda, I like to steam, run through a Deric Rosenblatt (my amazing voice teacher) warm up, stretch my body, and flip through the script to just think through everything. Once in costume, I hop in the bubble and say a prayer : )

Q: What's your advice for aspiring performers who have their sites set on Broadway?

A: Go to college! I'm so grateful for my liberal arts education. I think well-rounded people make well-rounded performers, so learn as much as you can about the world! Study abroad! Take psychology and math and science! All these things will inform you as an actor. Love and learn from everyone around you.

connect with ginna claire

Twitter:@ginnaclaire  |  Instagram: @ginnaclaire  |  snapchat: ginnaclaire  |  Ginnaclaire.com


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